Saturday, May 25, 2024

Three Things All New Managers Should Be Doing - Peter Cappelli, Knowledge at Wharton

A recent report showed that 59% of managers said that they had received no training on how to be a manager before becoming one. Management professor and director of Wharton’s Center for Human Resources Peter Cappelli says that stunning statistic is compounded by the fact that most of those managers are now supervising people who were their peers before they were promoted. “Research tells us that the individual contributors who get promoted — those who are the highest performing when it comes to their individual role — make terrible managers. It’s not just that they’re not good — they’re the worst.” (Ray notes: This is prime territory for training and credentialing)

Friday, May 24, 2024

There's a Right Way and a Wrong Way to Run an Internship Program - Kim Jao, Inc

And while internships are a great opportunity for students and young workers to get their foot in the door somewhere and learn valuable on-the-job experience that they can't get in a classroom, interns can also be a great pipeline for emerging talent, fresh perspective, and of course, extra hands during your busiest seasons. That's Salesforce founder Marc Benioff's philosophy on young talent. Alex Murray, senior director for programs, marketing and communications, at the San Francisco-based CRM software maker, explained Benioff's perspective to Inc. "One of the things he talks about a lot is a beginner's mind and how critical it is for our employees to really lean into having a beginner's mind and being able to see the world with fresh eyes," she says. "And that's really what our early talent brings to our products. They have that unique perspective that really isn't found anywhere else. Not only are they going to be our future employees but they could potentially be our future customers."

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Microcredentials - Nova Scotia, CA

In today's competitive job market, staying ahead requires continuous learning and skill development. Nova Scotia Microcredentials offer you a flexible, affordable and quicker path to gaining valuable skills and credentials. Microcredentials are short, focused courses designed to develop a specific skill or competency. Unlike traditional degrees, they offer targeted learning, allowing you to gain relevant skills quickly. Microcredentials are developed in collaboration with employers and industry experts to ensure that you're learning skills that are directly applicable to Nova Scotia workforce needs.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

New degrees announced at Wright State University - WDTN

Each of these interdisciplinary degrees will serve students who are hoping to complete a program that is not attached to a specific area of study. These fields can be completed either partially or completely online. With the addition of new and restructured degree programs, the university will also instate multiple micro credential courses. According to the press release, micro credentials allow students to gain skills, sharpen said skills and ultimately help to facilitate career changes. These courses will be in a range of topics including geography, forensics studies, toxicology and engineering, among others.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Best Online Computer Science Certificates Of 2024 - Liz Simmons, Forbes

An online computer science certificate can help you qualify for an in-demand, well-paying tech job. A certificate in computer science generally takes less time and money to complete than a traditional degree in this field. Length, cost, requirements and focus areas for computer science certificate programs vary by school. 

Monday, May 20, 2024

The effectiveness of microlearning in online education - India Today

Microlearning content can manifest in various formats, including short videos, quizzes, news listicles, infographics, podcasts, or interactive modules. The fundamental principle of microlearning is to deliver information in concise bursts, facilitating easier comprehension and retention for learners. Recent studies have revealed that micro-learning modules are 50 percent more engaging and 20 percent more effective in retaining knowledge compared to conventional learning methods. Microlearning, characterised by delivering small, focused bursts of information to learners, is gaining momentum in the realm of online education for its ability to engage learners and foster knowledge retention.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

NEA Micro-credentials Support - NEA

NEA does not issue credit for Micro-credentials. For questions about credit, please contact your state/location association, your school district, or your state's department of education.  - A micro-credential is a good fit for you if:

It excites your passion for learning.
It meets a professional need for your classroom, school, or district.
Your work on the micro-credential will benefit you, as well as your students:  academically, socially, or emotionally.
You are able to answer every question with direct examples from your professional setting.
It fits your professional role.  Pay attention to whether a micro-credential requires you to be a teacher, a paraeducator, or a team.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Free Online Courses With Printable Certificates in 2024 - AZED News

Free online courses with printable certificates are a major hit among students since they allow people to gain skills easily. There are various benefits of free online courses such as students can study at their pace and time among many others. Some free online courses with printable certificates include understanding dementia conducted by the University of Tasmania. Spatial analysis is another popular free course often chosen by people since it helps in expanding career opportunities.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Best Online Certificates In Information Technology - Doug Wintemute and Valerie Catalano, Forbes

Whether you’re attending college for the first time, returning to change your career or continuing your education in your field, pursuing a certificate in information technology online can be beneficial. These condensed and career-focused credentials provide direct and specialized training with a fraction of the commitment required for a full degree. Many schools offer certificates in various subjects, particularly regularly evolving disciplines like IT. These flexible and accessible programs help you make significant life and career changes in a short period, while also offering transfer credits and certification preparation in some cases. To help you choose among the growing number of study options available, we’ve ranked the 10 best certificates in information technology online. Find out what each program has to offer you.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

UBC Okanagan celebrates expansion, innovation during Nursing Week - UBC Okanagan

"Nurses perform vital work in our clinics, hospitals and communities. The new and expanded programs at UBC Okanagan will create more training opportunities for nurses looking to grow their knowledge as they care for British Columbians and their families," says Lisa Beare, Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. New Micro-Credentials in Primary Care UBCO Nursing launched the first of four micro-credentials, which will together comprise a Primary Care Practice Essentials Certificate. The certificate will build nurses' knowledge and skills in team-based primary care, which is crucial for health promotion, early disease detection and managing chronic disease. Specialty Nursing Pathways In collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills, the school is supported in integrating specialty nursing education pathways--including critical care, perinatal and perioperative nursing--into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. This will allow new graduates to move quickly and competently into specialty nursing practice.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Minnesota college expands brewing degree with online-only course - Torey Van Oot, Axios Twin Cities

Dakota County Technical College's beer degree is going digital. Why it matters: The Minnesota school's new online-only Brewing Science and Production certificate trains aspiring brewers, regardless of where they live or the hours they work. The big picture: Stagnating consumption and production have sparked closures and consolidations across the Twin Cities' once-booming craft beer scene. Yes, but: Boosters of the program say those shifts make opportunities for continuing education more important, not less.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Liberal Arts Microcredentials on the Rise - Sara Weissman, Inside Higher Ed

Colleges have recently begun to rapidly expand their microcredential offerings as state lawmakers clamor to fill workforce gaps and students question the value of a traditional degree. Such nondegree options have mostly proliferated in career and technical education fields, such as cybersecurity, information technology and welding. But some institutions are starting to branch out into microcredentials in the liberal arts disciplines, hoping to capitalize on the hype surrounding these flexible alternatives to degree programs and highlight the market value of the humanities, arts and social sciences.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Empowering tomorrow’s scientists by inspiring today’s teachers - Massey University

It was through Horizons Regional Council’s Enviroschools scheme that Jiselle found out about the Science Teaching Leadership Programme, that provides opportunities for nominated teachers to connect with science organisations in their communities. Through this programme, teachers gain a deeper understanding of the nature of science and use their experiences to expand their school’s science curriculum to improve teaching and learning. With two months completed, she has already been inspired on how to enhance her school’s science programme upon her return in term three. She says the experience has shifted her perspective as an educator. “There has been immense value in this placement. It’s been insightful experiencing the conversations to explain data and problem-solving within a team that has a broad range of expertise, experience and perspective. Observing discourse and collaboration modelled well within this team of scientists has inspired me to develop this skill in pupils. Listening, thinking, contributing and relating well to others are all key competencies in the New Zealand curriculum that can be developed through an effective science programme.”

Sunday, May 12, 2024

8 Reasons Why Microcredentials Are Popular - Christopher Pappas, eLearning Industry

Everything is becoming faster these days as life's rhythms increase and our schedules tighten. So, those in need of enriching their CVs and acquiring new skills often turn to quick, online solutions. Microcredentials are the credentials earned for completing short units of learning designed to equip you with skills and knowledge in a short period of time. They satisfy your desire for knowledge and give you some extra proof of expertise to boost your career. And it's because of their ability to offer targeted learning that microcredentials have gained popularity recently. Below, we will explore the reasons behind microcredential courses becoming the go-to learning solution and why that's a good idea.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Management practices in the implementation of police curriculum through blended learning - Mildred Bolinget & Bernadette Soliba, Educational Technology Quarterly

Few studies were found to have focused on curriculum implementation and management in police education vis-à-vis utilization of blended learning. Thus, this study, utilizing the embedded mixed-method design, determined the commonly employed management practices of the police training centres in implementing their curriculum through the blended learning approach in the Philippines and further identified the challenges encountered during the implementation. This study revealed that training centres have commonly employed management practices in classroom instruction, examination administration, non-academic activities, and management. Likewise, they effectively achieve the curriculum goals, deliver the subject matter, and provide learning experiences. However, minor challenges such as technological concerns, financial constraints, and human resource concerns emerged. Henceforth, providing appropriate infrastructure, promoting personnel welfare, enhancing learning experiences, investigating the causes of challenges, and adopting adaptive ways were suggested.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Miles College Launches Milestone, a New Academic Marketplace for Credentials and Certifications - Miles College

According to President Bobbie Knight, “this new initiative aims to provide students and professionals with valuable skills and knowledge in specialized areas, opening doors to enhanced career opportunities and professional growth.” Milestone offers current students, alumni, faculty and staff, corporate professionals, and local employees a range of non-credit courses and credentials. Users can access a library of hundreds of online credentials aligned with the fast-changing needs of today's workforce. "Colleges and universities must ensure that students can compete in an increasingly fast-changing, and often volatile, labor market," said Dr. Marjorie Hass, president of The Council of Independent Colleges. "Augmenting degree pathways in the humanities, arts, social sciences, and sciences with skills, experiences, and credentials give students a holistic education and a competitive edge in the workforce."

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Legal Zems: Online Certificate Course On Legal Drafting 2024 - LIVELAW NEWS NETWORK

Legal Zems, a prominent litigation-focused law firm, has introduced an online certificate course on Legal Drafting. The course, spanning 45 days from June 1st to July 15th, 2024, provides an exclusive opportunity for law students from recognized universities/colleges and recent law graduates to refine their legal drafting abilities. With a curriculum tailored to encompass various real court drafting scenarios, the program aims to equip participants with practical skills and profound insights into the legal field. The issuance of certificates will be contingent upon the successful completion of a 45 days course, accompanied by the successful completion of a qualifying examination. Students are required to diligently complete all assignments assigned by their instructor during the tenure.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

African continental approach to micro-credentials needed: Survey - Clemence Manyukwe, University World News

A survey of 28 African countries on micro-credentials has established that they are offered mostly by technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges, followed by higher education institutions, with respondents saying there is strong consensus on the importance of developing a common continental approach. The survey was undertaken as part of the African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF-II), which is being implemented in partnership with the European Training Foundation and the African Union. The ACQF-II initiative undertakes regular mapping of qualifications frameworks and related policies across the continent.5

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Firms must embrace personalised learning for workforce development - Shannon Williams, IT Brief NZ

In the progressively dynamic and rapidly evolving world of work, personalised learning has come to the forefront as a key solution embraced by forward-thinking organisations. This practice is seen as essential in addressing the diverse needs and experiences of employees, be they widely dispersed remote workers or individuals managing hybrid work environments; thereby ensuring team members remain engaged, equipped, adaptable, and upskilled for the future. Tony Maguire, Regional Director for Australia & New Zealand at D2L, defines personalised learning as "more than having an individualised learning plan based on what learners already know and their learning preferences and styles." He perceives it as a novel approach that encourages self-sufficiency, empowering employees to proactively manage their workplace and skills development alongside their professional journey.

Monday, May 6, 2024

What Do We Know About Micro-Credentials? Academic Minute - Doug Lederman, Inside Higher Ed

Daniel Douglas is a Lecturer in Sociology & Director of Social Science Research at Trinity College in Hartford, CT. He is also a Senior Researcher at the Education and Employment Research Center at Rutgers University. My colleagues and I surveyed students in non-credit programs at two community colleges.  A review of existing studies on non-degree credentials, including micro-credentials, found that outcomes like hiring and wages varied widely. Micro-credentials in high-demand fields like IT and construction appeared more valuable than those in office administration or education. But lacking systematic evidence, micro-credentials should be viewed at this point as a supplement to degrees, not a replacement for them.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Alternative Credentials: A Best Practice Guide for Latin America and the Caribbean - the Dialog

Micro-credentials have the potential to promote social and economic mobility for individuals in and out of the labor market in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) through a cost-effective, relevant model adapted to changing industry needs. For institutions, the alternative credential approach can increase enrollment, especially of traditional and non-traditional students, improve institutional reputation and the quality of existing curricular offerings, and foster more and better partnerships with companies and key industry players. Given the reported benefits, how do we promote quality micro-credential offerings and their effective adoption in Latin American and Caribbean institutions?