Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Pew Research: Is college worth it? Yes, with caveats - Nathan M Greenfield, University World News

Almost one third of Americans do not believe that a college education is worth the cost and 47% believe it is worth it only if they don’t have to take out loans, says a new study by the Pew Research Center. These findings are in line with a trend dating back to at least 2017 when only 49% of Americans reported believing that a college education was worth the cost.


Monday, June 10, 2024

Funding Student Success: Internships for Humanities Students - Ashley Mowreader, Inside Higher Ed

A$5 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation will boost internship participation rates among students in the humanities at Old Dominion University in Virginia, providing needed experiential learning and career support for students. Launching this fall, the Monarch Humanities Internship Academy will support hundreds of students each year in securing paid internships to help them in their careers, as well as build talent pipelines for regional employers and beyond. The Monarch Internship and Co-Op Office at ODU is leading the development and rollout of the academy, which began this spring, working to an institutional goal to provide all students with experiential learning by 2027.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

PNC targets young talent, brings hundreds of summer interns to Pittsburgh HQ - Patty Tascarella, Pittsburgh Business Times

An estimated 1,500 interns come to the Pittsburgh region each year and 500 have descended on PNC for a two-day summit at the bank’s corporate headquarters downtown. It’s an annual gathering at the region’s biggest — and nation’s 6th-largest — bank. And it’s also a key component of the talent acquisition strategy at PNC Financial Services Group Inc. The program is one of PNC’s primary early career talent pipelines and it has become increasingly important as the bank expands into new markets.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Interns, Trainees, and Volunteers Under the FLSA - Practical Law THE Journal

Guidance on how the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) applies to interns, trainees, and volunteers, including when interns and trainees must be classified as employees entitled to minimum wage and overtime pay, and under what circumstances private sector employees may volunteer time and services. This article discusses FLSA issues associated with internship and training programs and employee volunteer activities, including:
  • The primary beneficiary test used by the Department of Labor (DOL) and federal courts to determine the employee status of interns and trainees for minimum pay purposes.
  • The compensability of volunteer activities by employees of private, for-profit employers.
  • The potential consequences of misclassifying employees as unpaid interns, trainees, or volunteers.

Friday, June 7, 2024

3 High-Income Skills You Can Learn For Free In 2024 - Forbes

The more you upskill, the more of a specialist you become, and the more you increase your credibility and quality of work. High-income skills pay much because they are either rare, or they provide strong tangible value to the businesses they serve. They solve or tackle a problem that is at the root of the company being able to make more money. Becoming specialized in your high-income skill puts you in a fortunate position to be able to generate unique and creative solutions to problems, and enables you to command higher pay rates and salaries. If you're wondering where to begin, here are a few you might want to consider learning this year (and remember, you can learn these through bootcamps and online learning platforms, both free and budget-friendly options available).

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Stryker WISE Group Sponsors Female Engineering Excellence Prize with DCU - Dublin City University

Éabha was recognised for her project on “Single Value Metric for Text-To-Video Model Evaluation,” which made significant advancements in a complex and topical area of artificial intelligence. The project successfully communicated a lengthy and complex concept concisely and with great enthusiasm. Awarded by Stryker’s employee resource group, WISE (Women in Science and Engineering), this prize is a recent example of WISE’s role in cultivating diversity, encouraging women to enter technical industries, and building the next generation of STEM leaders.“The Female Engineering Excellence Prize in particular is important to WISE as our mission is to advocate for the growth of women in technical fields. Supporting women coming into the industry underscores our commitment to fostering talent and diversity. By sponsoring these awards, we hope to build the confidence of these students to see the true value of their own skills as they enter industry.”


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Importance of Understanding Non-Degree Credential Quality - the Burning Glass Institute

The number of non-degree credentials (NDCs) has ballooned in the past decade. But despite having hundreds of options to choose from, learners, funders, and employers have little guidance on which NDCs may be best for them. This report offers an overview of NDCs, their significance in the modern labor market, and the pressing need for a framework to evaluate non-degree credential quality.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

NSDC and ILO collaborated to enhance Skill Development and Lifelong Learning - PSU Connect (India)

The partnership aims to facilitate public-private partnerships and knowledge exchange to enhance Sector Skill Councils (SSCs), develop micro-credentials, and promote Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) through a global knowledge-sharing platform. By strengthening the comparability of skills and qualifications, digital tools will be developed and deployed to assess and compare the skills and qualifications of Indian workers with those required in potential destination countries, improving mobility and global employability prospects for Indian workers.


Monday, June 3, 2024

A ‘Great Misalignment’ Between Credentials and Jobs - Sara Weissman, Inside Higher Ed

Anew report from the Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce found a “great misalignment” between projected job demand in many local labor markets and the mix of credentials available to workers seeking jobs requiring more than a high school diploma but less than a bachelor’s degree. The report, released on Wednesday, focuses on “middle-skills credentials,” which include sub-baccalaureate certificates and associate degrees, in 565 local labor markets across the country. It noted that, as of the 2020–2021 academic year, there were nearly 4,800 providers of these kinds of credentials, including community colleges, nonprofit and for-profit colleges, private work training organizations, and technical and cosmetology schools.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

New programme of free and subsidised upskilling courses up for grabs at TUS Midwest - Ellen Gough, ClareLive (Ireland)

Technological University of the Shannon (TUS) has been awarded €2 million worth of subsidised places on programmes specifically designed to meet industry skills needs across the Midwest region. The 1,000 places are available through HCI and Springboard+ initiatives, providing upskilling and reskilling places on programmes that are subsidised between 90% to 100%. Speaking about the announcement, TUS Dean of Flexible and Work-based Learning Seamus Hoyne said, “TUS prides itself on delivering upskilling and reskilling opportunities to individuals that meet our regional industry demand. Our programmes have been developed to ensure a pipeline of talent in emerging and growth areas in our region”

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Microcreds can turn volunteering activities into recognised skills - FE Week

Micro-credentials are increasingly being recognised as an effective way to meet employers’ skills needs. But they offer much more than that, not least in terms of social value. The idea that learners can build up sets of industry-relevant specialist skills through accredited ‘bitesize’ modules is pioneering. It provides the flexibility and agility needed in fast-moving sectors where technology is changing all the time and employers need adaptive training models. But micro-credentials themselves have lots of scope to be adaptable, including in the social impact and enrichment space.

Friday, May 31, 2024

PEI’s WCB lauches online certificate courses and multilingual resources - OHS Canada

Prince Edward Island’s Workers Compensation Board (WCB) is offering free online certificate courses that cover a variety of compensation and occupational health and safety topics, as well as resources in a broader range of languages to reflect the Island’s changing workforce. “As part of our 2024-2026 strategic plan, we have identified the need to adapt our outreach and communications to the growing diversity in our workforce,” said Dan Campbell, CEO of the WCB. “By providing these courses free of charge to Island workers and employers, our goal is to empower each and every one of them with knowledge and understanding of topics that affect them in the workplace, both individually and collectively.”

Thursday, May 30, 2024

States are leading the effort to remove degree requirements from government jobs - Papia Debroy, et al; Brookings

Over the past two years, more than 20 states have expanded access to state jobs through a simple move: assessing or removing bachelor’s degree requirements. With state, local, and federal governments employing 15% of the U.S. workforce, these actions are of enormous consequence, especially for “STARs,” or workers who are skilled through alternative routes. STARs—who have gained their skills through community college, the military, partial college, certification programs, and, most commonly, on-the-job training—represent over half of the nation’s workforce, and currently occupy approximately 2 million state jobs. Government leaders see removing bachelor’s degree requirements as critical to meeting their hiring needs and public service delivery obligations. And at a time when states are struggling to fill a high number of open roles, removing these requirements can attract a larger pool of talent.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

7 Day Online Certificate Course On Art Of Contesting Bail Applications By Legal Expatiate [1st To 7th June] - LIVELAW NEWS NETWORK

This Course will upgrade your knowledge regarding the bail applications in sessions court and high court under old and new law which is applicable from 1st July, 2024 which every lawyer and law student must possess. These sessions will upgrade your skills of contesting anticipatory and regular bail applications from basic to advance.


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Peabody College unveils new graduate and professional certificate programs for career development - Vanderbilt University

Beginning in fall 2024, graduate and professional degree-seeking students at Vanderbilt University can enroll in certificate programs at Peabody College of education and human development enroute to earning their degrees. Whether students are just entering the workforce or are seasoned professionals, the new certificate programs in several fields will provide graduates a competitive edge to respond to urgent and emerging needs in education and human development. Five new certificates in emerging learning technologies and AI, learning analytics, dyslexia studies, pediatric psychosocial care and early childhood policy will constitute the initial set of certificate offerings.

Monday, May 27, 2024

New certificate program in responsible AI starting fall 2024 - Teresa M. Donnellan, George Mason University

Under the guidance of Missy Cummings, a professor and the director of the Mason Autonomy and Robotics Center (MARC) at George Mason University, the Responsible Artificial Intelligence Graduate Certificate program addresses the pressing need for thoughtful AI integration into various industries.  “With the rise of large language models like ChatGPT, there is a critical need for companies to develop strategies for effectively and safely integrating AI into their systems. The Mason approach to Responsible AI emphasizes both rigorous technical and sociotechnical approaches to identifying and mitigating AI risks while achieving value-added outcomes,” said Cummings.  

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Leadership Development Wabash County 2023-2024 Graduates Receive Certificate, Indiana University Kokomo Micro-Credential

Dr. Leah Nellis, Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Special Projects at Indiana University Kokomo, informed the audience that in addition to completing the full LDWC program, many of the students in this year’s cohort also successfully earned a digital IU Micro-Credential in “Essentials of Leadership.” This micro-credential is the first of its kind offered through the LDWC program as well as the first credential of its kind awarded by the Indiana University system. Jim Smith, member of the LDWC Steering Committee, assisted Zartman in recognizing all of the program’s graduates and handing out their certificates of completion and Grow Wabash County padfolios.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Three Things All New Managers Should Be Doing - Peter Cappelli, Knowledge at Wharton

A recent report showed that 59% of managers said that they had received no training on how to be a manager before becoming one. Management professor and director of Wharton’s Center for Human Resources Peter Cappelli says that stunning statistic is compounded by the fact that most of those managers are now supervising people who were their peers before they were promoted. “Research tells us that the individual contributors who get promoted — those who are the highest performing when it comes to their individual role — make terrible managers. It’s not just that they’re not good — they’re the worst.” (Ray notes: This is prime territory for training and credentialing) 


Friday, May 24, 2024

There's a Right Way and a Wrong Way to Run an Internship Program - Kim Jao, Inc

And while internships are a great opportunity for students and young workers to get their foot in the door somewhere and learn valuable on-the-job experience that they can't get in a classroom, interns can also be a great pipeline for emerging talent, fresh perspective, and of course, extra hands during your busiest seasons. That's Salesforce founder Marc Benioff's philosophy on young talent. Alex Murray, senior director for programs, marketing and communications, at the San Francisco-based CRM software maker, explained Benioff's perspective to Inc. "One of the things he talks about a lot is a beginner's mind and how critical it is for our employees to really lean into having a beginner's mind and being able to see the world with fresh eyes," she says. "And that's really what our early talent brings to our products. They have that unique perspective that really isn't found anywhere else. Not only are they going to be our future employees but they could potentially be our future customers."


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Microcredentials - Nova Scotia, CA

In today's competitive job market, staying ahead requires continuous learning and skill development. Nova Scotia Microcredentials offer you a flexible, affordable and quicker path to gaining valuable skills and credentials. Microcredentials are short, focused courses designed to develop a specific skill or competency. Unlike traditional degrees, they offer targeted learning, allowing you to gain relevant skills quickly. Microcredentials are developed in collaboration with employers and industry experts to ensure that you're learning skills that are directly applicable to Nova Scotia workforce needs. 


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

New degrees announced at Wright State University - WDTN

Each of these interdisciplinary degrees will serve students who are hoping to complete a program that is not attached to a specific area of study. These fields can be completed either partially or completely online. With the addition of new and restructured degree programs, the university will also instate multiple micro credential courses. According to the press release, micro credentials allow students to gain skills, sharpen said skills and ultimately help to facilitate career changes. These courses will be in a range of topics including geography, forensics studies, toxicology and engineering, among others.
