Saturday, August 31, 2024

Micro-Credentials: The Ideal Pathway for Professional and Personal Growth - Education News Canada

Micro-credentials offer learners the opportunity to build on their skills and abilities in a specific area. Laurentian University offers 17 micro-credential courses, in English and French. From health care to homegrown greens, the possibilities are as diverse as the people interested in them. Christina Sckopke is the manager of Micro-Credentials and Non-Credit Programming with the Centre for Teaching and Continuing Learning (CTLC) at Laurentian University. She has a Bachelor's of Science in Nursing and a Master's of Science in Nursing from Laurentian.  After 15 years in nursing, Christina sought out professional development to improve her chances of securing a managerial role. Having taken them herself, she has since worked to develop Laurentian's list of professional development options and is an advocate for the potential that micro-credentials offer to professionals. 

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