Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A look at part of Amazon’s $1.2 billion on-the-job training investment - David Brancaccio and Alex Schroeder, Marketplace

Amazon has pledged to spend $1.2 billion to provide free skills training to about 300,000 Amazon employees. Part of that is an apprenticeship program for running and fixing robots at company warehouses, with hopes of future career advancement for participants.  J. Ofori Agboka is Amazon’s vice president of People Experience and Technology. "I’m actually right now at one of our newest fulfillment centers that’s opening up where, you pointed out, people will be sorting and picking and stowing, but they’re gonna be working alongside some amazing robots. And so our apprenticeship program is a three-month in-class, technical learning, online learning, experiential learning, and then … hours of on-the-job training to get you upskilled, knowledgeable and comfortable with working with and around the machinery to keep these robots moving, working properly, and coming on to the next generation."

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