Thursday, November 25, 2021

GW Research Professor Co-Leads National Initiative Advocating for Incremental Postsecondary Credentialing - Ruth Steinhardt, GW Today

The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) has awarded a $3 million “Transformative Research in the Education Sciences” program grant to “Credential As You Go” (CAYG), a national initiative at SUNY Empire State College. The initiative is co-led by Holly Zanville, co-director of the George Washington University Program on Skills, Credentials and Workforce Policy; Nan Travers, director of SUNY Empire State’s Center for Leadership in Credentialing Learning; and Larry Good, CEO of the Corporation for a Skilled Workforce.CAYG works to develop a consistent, widely recognized incremental credentialing system for American postsecondary education—a system advocates say could create a more equitable and accessible alternative to traditional degree-focused credentialing systems.

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