Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Microcredentials: A new category of education is rising - Alejandro Caballero, Sean Gallagher, Hanne Shapiro and Holly Zanville; University World News

A globally accepted definition doesn’t exist yet for these smaller learning units but microcredentials – also often referred to as alternative or non-degree credentials – are emerging as a term to describe education that falls between courses and degrees. Microcredentials include certificates, digital badges, licences and apprenticeships, the latter equating to full qualifications in Europe.


Monday, July 18, 2022


Quality is the result of considered and continuously improved policies and procedures impacting a variety of activities across an institution. The elements below are frequently identified in quality systems; however, they are sometimes arranged differently with greater or lesser emphasis. The following section outlines areas to consider as you build and refine your quality assurance system for micro-credentials, including some questions for building policy and related implementing procedures:

Sunday, July 17, 2022

MICRO-CREDENTIALS - Lewis University

Micro-credentials are digital representations of your learning, designed so that you can share the skills you’ve gained. Micro-credentials, while not a replacement for certificates, minors, or degree programs, are a supplemental designation to provide evidence that you are working towards mastering critical 21st century competencies. Our Micro-credential program allows students to gain relevant skills that enable them to distinguish themselves, academically and professionally.  A digital badge is a type of Micro-credential that allows students to show specific skills that they have gained through coursework or other formal learning experiences at Lewis. They are dynamic credentials that can be shared in social networks and professional contexts, including LinkedIn, resumes, e-portfolios and more.


Saturday, July 16, 2022

Ten Facts You Need to Know About Micro-Credentials - Contact North/Nord (Canada)

There is no absolute definition for micro-credentials in Canada or anywhere else, in terms of period of study, range of content or specific forms of assessment. Components are, however, widely recognized as key characteristics of micro-credentials.  In Ontario, it is widely agreed that a micro-credential is “transcriptable”(link is external) meaning it will appear on a learner’s college or university transcript and will be deposited to her or his digital wallet or e-portfolio. What is not agreed is how long a micro-credential takes to acquire (varying by content) or how portability between countries is assured.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Micro-Credentials - NEA

A micro-credential is a short, competency-based recognition. NEA offers over 175 micro-credentials that have been created by educators for educators. If you’re reading this, it means you’re interested in taking steps to improve your practice as an educator and create better outcomes for your students. Congratulations! Your commitment to lifelong professional learning is essential in helping NEA fulfill its mission to provide a great public education for every student.


Thursday, July 14, 2022

Future of education is identified in the OU’s Innovating Pedagogy Report 2022 - the Open University

‘Dual learning scenarios’ and ‘influencer-led education’ feature among the top 10 approaches to learning and teaching in this year’s landmark edition of the Innovating Pedagogy Report from The Open University. Every year academic researchers at the OU’s Institute of Educational Technology explore new advancements in pedagogy and how they can be effective in different learning, teaching and training contexts.


Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Why faculty need to talk about microcredentials - Loleen Berdahl, University Affairs

Badges and certificates and alternative credentials, oh my! As anyone working in university leadership has heard, non-degree programming is expected to play a big part in the future of higher education. Microcredentials – also known as micro-credentials (the hyphenation question has yet to be settled), nano-credentials, badges, certificates, alternative credentials, and probably several other names – were creating buzz before COVID-19. The pandemic has further fuelled momentum. While postsecondary leaders and governments are increasingly focused on microcredentials, it is not clear that they are fully on the radar for faculty. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

OPINION: Meet certificates and “microcredentials” — they could be the future of higher education - Arthur Levine and Scott Van Pelt, Hechinger Report

We now live in a time that is more open to rethinking college and university credentials. We are witnessing experimentation with competency-based education, through which students earn credits by demonstrating skills instead of spending time in courses. We are also seeing discussion of free or reduced tuition, along with subscription pricing that lets students take as many courses as they like for one low cost.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Microcredentials a ‘new frontier in higher learning’ – report - Julian Owen, EdTechnology

The UK’s tech skills gap can be vastly reduced via the widespread adoption of microcredentials, according to a report published today (8 June) by the Lifelong Education Commission. While there is currently no single definition, microcredentials, are essentially small units of learning that can be delivered online or face-to-face. The flexibility of their short-form nature, allowing the course-taker to quickly learn a specific skill, is thought by many to hold the key to overcoming the UK’s ongoing skills gap.


Sunday, July 10, 2022

3 reasons microcredentials are poised to go mainstream - Rusty Greiff, eCampus News

Two in five working-age adults have completed a non-degree credential and more than 80 percent of executives, supervisors, and HR professionals now say that alternative credentials bring value to the workplace. At a time of significant disruption in the economy, institutions, employers, and workers are all finding they must embrace a philosophy of continuous lifelong learning. It’s a shift enabled by the proliferation of short-term microcredentials. Over the past decade, the number of such offerings has sharply risen. There now exist at least 1 million different credentials, spanning apprenticeships, certificates, digital badges, industry-recognized certifications, and licenses.


Saturday, July 9, 2022

Does Microcredentialing work? - Gilbert & Tobin

Microcredentialising has been described by the EU’s vocations training authority as a “megatrend”. The Australian Government’s National Microcredentials Framework says that "technological change coupled with rapid transformation brought by Covid-19, has elevated the potential for microcredentials to rapidly upskill and reskill the workforce."  One of the first empirical studies of the impact of microcredentials has found their impact to be less transformative, more nuanced than the hype suggests, but nonetheless a valuable ‘signal’ for an employer of an employee’s ability to do the job.


Friday, July 8, 2022

How two institutions tackle microcredentials - Laura Ascione, eCampus News

Microcredentials are bite-sized educational courses with a more specific focus. They could take months or weeks to complete. Because of their convenience, microcredentials appeal to employees looking for a highly personalized, flexible, and cost-effective way to further their education. Here’s how two institutions are leveraging their microcredential programs to help students with different goals, personal responsibilities, and professional obligations further their education.


Thursday, July 7, 2022


 In reviewing micro-credentials presented by eCampusOntario, the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities (2021) and UNESCO (2021), the overarching consensus is that shared characteristics involve collaboration between an accredited educational institution and an employer or industry sector. Together, they can identify, create, and review workplace relevant training that is of value to the learner and the employer or industry sector. Micro-credentials should demonstrate that depth, rather than breadth, of a specific skill or area of focus, and that learners are assessed to ensure that new skills and competencies have been gained. However, ongoing questions involve how to assess mastery and related quality assurance of micro-credentials offerings with academic post- secondary institutions. Taking these common characteristics into account, the definition provided in A European Approach to Micro-Credentials (Futures et al., 2020) may be a good starting point for those newer to micro-credential development :


Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Online learning to be ‘big part’ of college business - Darren Taylor, Soo Today

“In the past five years there’s been tremendous growth in e-learning. I can’t say that we predicted it but in the pandemic a lot of people were displaced from their jobs and we were positioned very well to help those individuals get retrained in a very short time frame, right around that same time the government came out with what’s called microcredentials.” Kirkwood said there are over 30,000 registrations in Sault College microcredential courses. “It’s not big business for us but certainly in the future there is anticipation that this type of short duration training will become a bigger part of our business,” Kirkwood said.  


Tuesday, July 5, 2022

External Engagement and Communications Officer - Maynooth University - Times Higher Ed

The Irish Universities Association (IUA) is the representative body of the university sector. It has recently secured funding for a major new project to develop a micro-credentials system in Irish Universities, providing a coherent national framework for quality assured and accredited micro-credentials. This full-time contract position is funded by this project.


Monday, July 4, 2022

Meta Launches Five New Professional Certificates on Coursera - Sue Gee, I-Programmer

Meta is expanding its training offering on Coursera with five new professional certificates for those wanting to embark on a programming career - for the web, for mobile or as a database engineer. Pre-enroll before the starting date to enjoy your first 30 days free. Recognizing the need to recruit new entrants into developer roles Meta, as Facebook is now known, has announced online training aimed at job seekers who don't have a college degree.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

It Pays To Get Certification - Sue Gee, I-Programmer

The Open Source Jobs Report 2022, published today, reinforces the message that gaining certification is very worthwhile for developers. Meanwhile the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022, published today, reveals that over half of developers engage with the video-based online courses that lead to certification. Being encouraged to acquire new skills via online courses is something that appeals to developers. Findings from Stack Overflow's 2022 survey, which gathered information from 73,268 software developers from 180 countries around the world, indicated that almost half (46.63%) respondents had learned from Online Courses or Certification. With over two-thirds of hiring managers more likely to hire  certified open source professionals it does seem that gaining a credential from an online course provider is a really good idea.,


Saturday, July 2, 2022

Credential stacking drove 1.1% increase in undergraduate degrees earned last year - Rick Seltzer, Higher Ed Dive

Undergraduate credential earners totaled 3.7 million. That’s up 1.1%, or about 39,000 people, from the number reported in each of the last two years. Growth came from students with prior awards who were stacking credentials. About 1 million students graduating in 2020-21 had prior awards, up 3.9% or 37,800 students from 2019-20. First-time graduates, meanwhile, held steady at 2.69 million after dropping from 2.71 million in 2018-19.


Friday, July 1, 2022

Accreditation and endorsement - eCampus Ontario

A micro-credential is a type of claim made by the issuer stating that a learner has achieved a quantum of learning. A micro-credential also contains evidence to support that claim about this learning, and sometimes includes direct evidence demonstrating how the individual learner achieved the learning outcomes. Beyond direct evidence, how can the consumer or viewer of the credential trust that the claim is true and significant?


Thursday, June 30, 2022

Micro-creential TRANSCRIPTABILITY - eCampus Ontario

Micro-credentials offered by institutions that are eligible to be on the student transcript will meet the criteria of the institution’s transcript policy and the standards of quality assurance that would include development, review, etc. For example, in Ontario “it is widely agreed that a micro-credential is ‘transcriptable’ meaning it will appear on a learner’s college or university transcript and will be deposited to her or his digital wallet or e-portfolio” (Contact North, 2020).


Wednesday, June 29, 2022

7 in 10 Employers Open to Hiring Inexperienced Coders Amid Talent Crunch - NTUC LearningHub

Almost nine in ten (89%) employers say there is a shortage of talent with the required coding skills to a "large" and "some" extent. About 7 in 10 employers are open to hiring candidates who may not have the relevant education degree (67%) or job experience (65%) but have industry-relevant micro-credentials and certifications in coding skills for a role. According to employers, the top three reasons for tech talent shortage is "difficulty in finding talent with the right requisite skills" (58%), "new technologies are outpacing supply of workers with the right skills" (49%), and "fierce competition among companies in hiring tech talent" (46%).